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Polkadot Validator Selector

Find high-quality Polkadot validators to nominate using our Validator Selector Tool. We simplify the nomination process by filtering validators on quality-control criteria such as commission rates, verified identities, and activity status. Enhance your staking strategy and secure your investments on Polkadot.

  • Verified identity
  • Commission is at least
    , but no more than
  • Each validator has a unique identity
  • At least half in the active set
  • Validator has at least
    skin in the game

Press 'regenerate' once you have adjusted the parameters above.

Polkadot Validator Selector
Get a list of 16 random validators which meet the criteria.
Complete Validator List
View a list of all Polkadot validators, both active and waiting.
Alternatively, Polkadot provides a user-friendly interface at that allows you to nominate validators and select based on preferences. Dashboard overview To start nominating, go to Connect your wallet via the 'Connect' button on the top right. Once your wallet has been connected, press the 'Nominate' button. A window will open with a few options:
  1. Optimal Selection:

    This option will select a list of validators which provide good performance and are also currently in the active set via a pre-determined algorithm. However, these validators may have a high commission fees.
  2. Active Low Commission:

    Validators with a low commission fee (under 5%) will be selected, meaning you'll end up with more rewards from staking. However, this choice does not keep into account the validator's performance.
  3. Manual Selection:

    Select your own validators using a set of options.

Once you have selected your validators, you can start staking by pressing the 'Submit' button in the bottom right. Your wallet will ask you to confirm the transaction.

If you prefer to let someone else pick the validators for you, consider joining the decentraDOT staking pool. Pools offer users the opportunity to lock in DOT and earn staking rewards, like to traditional staking through nominations. However, staking via pools requires only a small amount of DOT and pools handle the management of nominees on behalf of users.
Arthur Hoeke
Arthur Hoeke
Co-Founder & CEO
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